



  • 主演:LukeWhite  AmarAdatia  丹尼爾·厄根  維爾·博登  CalumBest  
  • 導演:ChristineEdwards        地區:歐美(2017)      類型:未知
  • 簡介:

    最後更新於2021-02-02 , Naomi Vista is an accomplished flautist, with a scholarship to one of the best music academies in the world. Just before her enrollment, both her parents die, throwing Naomi into a pit of despair. At the academy, Naomi is magnetically drawn


Naomi Vista is an accomplished flautist, with a scholarship to one of the best music academies in the world. Just before her enrollment, both her parents die, throwing Naomi into a pit of despair. At the academy, Naomi is magnetically drawn to Raphael, a quiet and ethereal stranger. However, Raphael is not what he seems, he is a fallen angel. Through Raphael"s guidance, Naomi rediscovers a love for life, however, this has attracted the attention of a gang of fallen angels that Raphael left years ago. The gang is led by Raphael"s brother, Demeteri but it is Kyber, a bitter rival, who is intent on finishing what he started eight hundred years ago, to destroy Raphael. Meanwhile, the gang of fallen angels led by Demeteri are instigating a gang war in London to oust the current gangland leader with a man of their choosing - Eddie. Eddie is a lovable loser who after being manipulated by the fallen angels becomes a cold hearted killer. Set against the backdrop of a London gang war, Naomi and Raphael embark on a love story that will change them both forever.


